Select this item if you have a Kodak Diconix 150 battery powered portable printer connected to this port.
This setting is for the particular Kodak printers which were NOT intended to be compatible with the Macintosh.
Select this item if you have a Canon BJ10e Bubble-Jet printer connected to this port.
This is the Canon printer design which Apple now sells as their “StyleWriter”, so this printer gives best results if you select “StyleWriter” in the Chooser.
Select this item if you have a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet or DeskJet printer connected to this port.
Many laser printers are able to use HP LaserJet control codes, so check your printer manual to find out how to select “HP LaserJet mode”.
Select this item if you have a 24-pin Epson dot matrix printer (eg. LQ-800, LQ-850 etc.) connected to this port.
Almost all 24-pin dot matrix printers are Epson compatible, so you should be able to use this setting even if your printer is not an Epson.
Select this item if you have a 9-pin Epson dot matrix printer (eg. FX-80, FX-850 etc.) connected to this port.
Almost all 9-pin dot matrix printers are Epson compatible, so you should be able to use this setting even if your printer is not an Epson.
Select this item if you have an Apple printer (ImageWriter LQ or StyleWriter) connected to this port.